Welcome to Amartahills Hotel & Resort, Batu, East Java, we greet all our beloved guest warming welcome.
We will provide you with the excellency of our hotel and services, make your stay in our property a lifetime pleasant moment.
"Amarta" is a word derived from our ancient cultural heritage story. Amarta before was a place where all misfortune and wild environments take place and reside, but then when a group of five warriors decided to stay and built a palace. Not long after Amarta become a place of wonder, where prosperity and goodness encompass all creatures and populations
There is nothing compares with the grand view of our serene mountain and the surrounding view. Just being here, sit down, and inhale the mountain air will comfort our minds, relaxing feeling and sense of peace will enlight our senses, giving a happy and prosperous feeling and warms to you and your beloved family and friends.